
My name is Divino Cesar Soares Lucas or just John Tortugo for short. I received a bachelor degree in Computer Science (2010) from the Catholic University of Goias (PUC-GO) and a Masters (2012) and PhD (2017) in Computer Science from University of Campinas (Unicamp). My main areas of interest are Programming Languages and Compilers but I'm also interested in Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming techniques.

Currently I'm a Virtual Machine Engineer at Microsoft where I research and implement techniques to make the Java Virtual Machine (OpenJDK, GRAAL) more efficient and performant.

My free time is spent most with my family and my hobbies. I love to go outside for a hike or a run with my dog. I also have some hobbies like woodworking and fish keeping.

» 2021-10-01 :: Status of Escape Analysis and Scalar Replacement in HotSpot
» 2015-07-24 :: The Batched DOACROSS loop parallelization algorithm
» 2013-09-23 :: Modeling virtual machines misprediction overhead
Tools & Toys
» 2021-10-01 :: TRIDENT - Tool to Inspect C2 IR Graphs
Study Notes
» 2021-10-01 :: HotSpot C2 IR Samples
» 2021-10-01 :: HotSpot C2 Escape Analysis Samples
» 2021-10-01 :: HotSpot Glossary of Terms
» 2021-10-01 :: HotSpot Glossary of Data Structures and Classes
» 2021-10-01 :: HotSpot C2 IR Nodes
» 2021-10-01 :: HotSpot C2 Compilation Execution Flow